Creative Writing

Dear Adult Viewers and Older Readers,

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it; Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Extract from my journal – March  07.

My computer is down… blast…I’m trying to put together the Potter’s Son story and it fizzes in my head, collapsing on the point of impact…always the dilemma of imaginings and reality meeting gracefully in a believable way.
Imagine you’re Kado a bush tucker boy with a smoky breath, what are your thoughts? …
Imagine you’re running with a real live boy for the first time in your life. Cold air on face, running through the night footsteps pounding – on and on, sometimes together, sometimes apart…

What ever you can do, or dream you can do, do it…. I remind myself of that each time I write.

What ever stage one is at, whether writing a first or a fifth novel, you’re moving in the dark creating as you go with the same challenges. How best to tell a story from the fragments floating around in your head? How to slow down the action and enter the moment to breathe life into the characters and make the story come alive? Such is your responsibility: the very existence of these characters is in your hands. Will you ever do it, or will they languish forever in some dusty draw?

Of course not, I’m committed. You heard what my friend, Johann Wolfgang (what a great name for a character) said.

Best wishes and happy writing,
Helene Smith

Hints and Tips

Hopefully these words will offer a little comfort to new writers
venturing into the strange land called ‘Fiction’
with its hidden demands for a truth
we might hardly know ourselves…

Keeping the Story Alive

(For all writers)

Writing Fiction is Fantastic

(For kids young and old)

Write Your Own Thriller

(For kids from about eleven up)

Writer's Notebooks

The activities for children focus on narrative: an easy way to view narrative and to use one’s own perceptions and dreams within the framework of literary convention and tradition.

A wide range of interests are covered from junior readers (Dreamstone), middle and upper grades (Leaping the Tingles, Operation Clancy) and older readers (Children of Morwena).

Leaping the Tingles


Children of Morwena